Local SEO Case Study: HVAC Company in Bonaire, GA

Local SEO HVAC Case Study

This HVAC company in Bonaire, GA, was able to expand its Local SEO coverage with the help of Field360.

The general rule in Local SEO is that a Google Business Profile can only rank in the city of its associated address.

In this case, Mission Critical Comfort Solutions holds an address in Kathleen, GA, about 4 miles south of Bonaire.

Nevertheless, Field360 empowered this company to rank in Google’s Map 3-Pack for both Bonaire and Kathleen.

The proof is publicly accessible, folks.

Pin (E-E-A-T)

Bonaire American Standard Pin

Ranking (Local SEO)

Bonaire American Standard Map Ranking

Field360’s Local SEO Influence for HVAC Companies

HVAC companies can go decades listening to the same mindless drivel of traditional SEO agencies – spewing some nonsense about link building and blog writing.

Seldom do these agencies announce that the methods they hold so dearly are clear violations of Google’s public guidelines.

Luckily, Google’s latest recommendations on E-E-A-T allow HVAC businesses to focus on a legitimate metric that they can control.

Bonaire American Standard Ranking


In a perfect world, the acronym E-E-A-T would replace “SEO” as the accepted marketing strategy for local HVAC companies.

E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Mission Critical Comfort Solutions is a living testament to the power of this acronym and its impact on search visibility in 2024.

For those unaware, Field360 consolidates E-E-A-T signals into a pin.

As Google crawls pins on the website, it assigns credibility to the business.

Bonaire, GA HVAC Company Pins

Google Maps

As we mentioned in the opening paragraph, Google Maps rankings are typically restricted to the city within the address of the business listing.

Most Georgia-based HVAC companies are satisfied with ranking for various service types within their primary city.

If you can secure one spot in the Local Map 3-Pack, you are having success.

Field360 has the power to expand coverage even more, as is the case with Mission Critical, which appears in the Map 3-Pack for service queries in both Kathleen and Bonaire, GA.

The local HVAC company regularly demonstrates E-E-A-T signals through pins, which include schema markup, geo-coordinates, mini-maps, unique photos, and more.

As proof of work in both cities accumulates, Google has no choice but to rank this company in both areas.

Kathleen GA Heat Pump Map Ranking

Google Reviews

In addition to regular pins, Mission Critical also understands the importance of Google Reviews on rankings.

The company’s 253 Google Reviews contribute to their consistent rankings on Google Maps.

Furthermore, their 4.9 aggregate rating helps them convert onlookers into new customers.

Because Google Reviews are a direct ranking factor, Field360 is designed to help you increase them via SMS and email requests and reminders.

Mission Critical has taken advantage of this Field360 feature to dominate Google Maps rankings.

Bonaire GA HVAC Business Profile


There’s plenty of misinformation surrounding Local SEO for HVAC companies in 2024.

Because of the corruption of many Local SEO agencies, lying is second nature.

Unfortunately, most traditional SEO methods are no longer effective, prompting both ethical and unethical agencies to offer subpar services.

The good news is that HVAC companies have a clear pathway to customer acquisition through E-E-A-T.

Field360 was crafted to create E-E-A-T signals, powering HVAC companies like this one in Bonaire, GA, to rank on Google Maps and Google Organic.

By taking advantage of Field360’s pins and review features, this HVAC business has consistently won the SERP real estate on Google.